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Bernstein's Deli Partnership Announcement

March 15, 2013

 Bernstein’s Deli is pleased to announce to our valued customers and to the public that there is a new addition to our management team. It is with great excitement that owner Marla introduces her eldest son Aaron as managing partner. Aaron joined the business this past November and positive changes are already underway. We will be opening Sundays starting this week, we have added free Wi-Fi and some of your favourite soups and sandwiches are now available fresh daily in our new grab n’ go cooler.
Bernstein’s Deli is proud to have served the Winnipeg market for the past 28 years. Marla has done an amazing and admirable job of building a loyal customer base through her consistent, high quality offering of home-made traditional deli, Jewish style and diner foods in a friendly, approachable setting.
Over the years Bernstein’s Deli has watched countless numbers of kids share meals with their parents only to grow up and come back with their own children. We take a tremendous amount of pride in knowing we are a part of this beautiful circle of life.
We acknowledge that times have changed and our customer base is evolving. In many ways we have not yet evolved into the modernized business you all deserve, but we are taking steps in that direction. We have had active Facebook and Twitter (@BernsteinsDeli) accounts for over a year and the content on our website ( is being updated regularly as well. Please follow us for the latest news and updates. Additionally, we will be introducing re-loadable gift cards and a loyalty program in the coming months.
Reflecting on these trends, we are excited to thank you all for your on-going patronage and loyalty, and let you know that our goal is to become THE neighborhood gathering place in River Heights. As the changes unfold we will continue to offer the same great food that you have been coming for over the years.
Over the next several months you will notice even more changes to our appearance, product offerings, hours and energy. We will be experimenting with making many more delicacies in-house, stay tuned for further information.
For on-going updates, teasers and other tid-bits please follow us online or come on in, we are happy to serve you as always.
If you have any comments or suggestions please feel free to let us know. Aaron can be reached at [email protected], on his cell at 204-960-5206 or in person at the deli during regular business hours.
Thank you!
Bernstein’s Deli
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  • M.C.Delandes Monuments & Memorials Inc.
Rhonda Spivak, Editor

Publisher: Spivak's Jewish Review Ltd.

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